Tips for buying paintings for art lovers in Basel

Abstract art opens up a completely new and refreshing perspective in our society dominated by visual impressions. Don't just look at your own emotions and ideas , but think about them too. Abstract paintings are timeless and challenge you as an art lover from Basel to think about new perspectives .

But that's not all: by supporting artistic talent, you can ensure that young artists live out their creativity and make a breakthrough.

Be inspired by a work of art that will give your rooms in Basel an exclusive touch

In a world that is increasingly overwhelmed by visual impressions, abstract paintings offer a refreshing and unique opportunity to expand our perception and discover new perspectives . As an art lover from Basel, you have the chance to not only experience aesthetic expression , but also to use self-reflection and interpretation . There is undoubtedly great value in immersing yourself in this fascinating art form.

By immersing yourself in the world of abstract paintings, you can inspire your own imagination and stimulate your senses in a whole new way. Take the time to be inspired by the beauty and depth of abstract art and immerse yourself in a world full of colors, shapes and emotions.

Visiting an exhibition or purchasing an abstract painting can open up new perspectives and give you a whole new perspective on art and creativity. Let yourself be enchanted by the magic of abstract art.

How do abstract paintings affect the viewer?

Abstract paintings have the ability to subtly evoke emotions in the viewer. By moving away from traditional depictions of objects or people, they allow viewers to reflect on their own feelings and thoughts. This gives you the opportunity to get something very special out of a work of art.

As an art collector from Basel, paintings inspire you to broaden your horizons , express your emotions and take on new perspectives. Paintings transcend the boundaries of the familiar and challenge you to engage with their interpretation .

Each painting offers you the opportunity to interpret something unique and if you feel drawn to a piece of art, it may reflect your soul . Your interpretation of the artwork may change each time you look at it, opening up a personal space for reflection and self-discovery.

Why it is worth it for you to buy a painting

Purchasing abstract paintings is worthwhile for art lovers from Basel because they are timeless and endure regardless of current trends. By purchasing a painting, you also support the cultural scene. Overall, purchasing artwork is extremely beneficial for everyone involved, both financially and personally . Artworks retain their value and their inspirational power for future generations .

Owning an abstract painting can not only enrich your personal collection, but also add value to the art scene in Basel. By investing in the world of abstract art, you are helping to promote and support artists, which in turn leads to a thriving art community.

Your contribution makes it possible to preserve and further develop the diversity and creativity of the art scene. By purchasing abstract paintings, you can not only express your appreciation for art, but also have a lasting impact on the art world and society as a whole. Therefore, consider the purchase of works of art not only as a personal investment, but also as an opportunity to actively shape and enrich the art landscape.

Support young artists regionally in Basel - or worldwide

In today's digitalized and fast-paced world, it is a challenge to find and support emerging talent, especially in the arts. Acquiring artworks from young artists plays a crucial role in this. By purchasing their works, they are given the opportunity to develop further and fully realize their creative potential.

Young artists often bring fresh ideas , innovative techniques and unconventional approaches that can enrich and inspire the art scene. Support the next generation of artists and help foster a thriving and diverse art scene.

What are the benefits for you as an art lover from Basel when you invest in up-and-coming artists?

There are additional advantages to buying paintings by emerging artists: their works are often more attractively priced than established names on the art market. This means that experienced art collectors as well as art-interested buyers from Basel can acquire high-quality abstract paintings without having to spend a fortune.

Another benefit is that buying paintings by emerging artists offers the chance for potential appreciation . As these artists make their way and gain notoriety, the value of their early works increases significantly.

There is a chance that unique pieces that are not currently highly valued could attract the interest of art collectors around the world in the future . When this happens, you can benefit financially. Overall, purchasing paintings is an extremely advantageous situation - both financially and personally.

Buying a painting is multifaceted: emotions, inspiration and investment

As an art lover from Basel, you have the unique opportunity to broaden your horizons, awaken emotions and discover new perspectives by buying paintings and supporting promising artists. By purchasing abstract artworks, you not only benefit financially, but also personally from the value and beauty of these works. It is important to open yourself up to this diverse art form and explore the inspiring world of abstract art.

Take the next step

Hello! I am Sabine Runge and since 2020 abstract art has been my great passion and therapeutic tool. Discover some of my paintings in the next section and get to know me personally as an artist. Feel free to browse my online shop to explore my full range of artworks.

If you would like to have your own unique painting commissioned by me or if you have any questions, please write to me in the chat. I look forward to your message, which I will answer within 24 hours.

Discover the full range of my artworks!

Discover more of my artworks in my online shop. Refine your rooms with my art and be inspired in the long term . Treat yourself to luxury !


Abstract art: Sabine Runge from Munich

Get to know me as an artist

My name is Sabine Runge and I am an artist from Munich. Since 2020 I have dedicated my life to abstract art. A deep life crisis sparked my passion for art and I use art as a therapeutic tool.

For me, art means unlimited freedom - the opportunity to express my feelings and messages on canvas in a unique way. Each of my paintings tells a story and gives insight into my very personal perspective.

I work primarily with brushes, palette knives, sponges, acrylic paints and structural pastes to bring my visions to life in harmonious compositions on canvas. During the painting process, I often work with my bare hands directly on the artwork to build a connection and be particularly close to my work.

My artworks are my powerful expression of passion and loving craftsmanship. They bear my personal signature, which runs like a thread through my portfolio.

My goal is to touch, inspire and make people think with my art. My art should give other people hope and comfort, just as it gives me support and hope in the darkest moments of my life.

Art has changed my life forever – and can change your life forever too.