The 12 most famous artworks: From Mona Lisa, the David statue to the Starry Night

Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of art and discover the 12 most famous masterpieces that have captivated generations of people around the world. From Leonardo da Vinci's iconic painting of the Mona Lisa to Michelangelo's majestic statue of David, these works of art tell stories that are timeless.

Join us on a journey through the impressive works of famous artists and let yourself be enchanted by their beauty. Experience the magic behind van Gogh's famous artwork "Starry Night" and immerse yourself in the world of creative expression.

The famous paintings from the Sunflower series are exhibited worldwide

#1: The Sunflower Series by Vincent van Gogh (worldwide)

Vincent van Gogh's sunflower series is one of the Dutch painter's most iconic works and is considered a masterpiece in art history. With bright colors and dynamic brushstrokes, van Gogh captures the beauty and power of the sunflower in all its facets.

The vibrant expressiveness of each painting in this series has delighted art lovers around the world and made sunflowers a timeless symbol of joy and vitality. Van Gogh's unique interpretation of this motif has left a lasting impression on the art world and will continue to inspire generations of people.

These masterpieces attract millions of visitors every year and are among the artist's most famous works. It is definitely worth seeing these impressive paintings in person.

Vincent van Gogh's sunflowers hang in various museums around the world. Some of the most famous paintings from this series can be admired in the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, the National Gallery in London, the Philadelphia Museum of Art and the Neue Pinakothek in Munich.

This famous painting is exhibited in Norway

#2: The Scream - Edvard Munch's expression of existential pain (Oslo)

Edvard Munch's The Scream is considered one of the most significant artworks history, expressing human existential pain in an incomparable way. The distorted facial features of the main character , who lets out a deafening scream in a seemingly endless landscape of water and sky, reflect the fears, worries and inner struggles we all face in life.

Munch masterfully captured the universal experience of suffering in a single image, evoking a deep emotional response in viewers around the world. The Scream thus stands as a powerful symbol of the existential stresses and anxieties that characterize the human condition.

The Scream by Edvard Munch hangs in the National Gallery in Oslo, Norway. This famous painting is one of the artist's most well-known works and a symbol of existential angst and despair.

This famous painting is exhibited in Spain 

#3: The Guernica - Pablo Picasso's political statement against war (Madrid)

Pablo Picasso's Guernica is a powerful political statement against war. This monumental painting clearly depicts the horrors and consequences of the bombing of the Spanish town of Guernica in 1937.

The dark colors, the distorted shapes and the desperate faces of the victims convey the cruelty and senselessness of violence and destruction.

Picasso used his art to create a powerful testimony to peace and compassion that is still relevant today. Guernica is a monument against war and violence and reminds us that we must always be committed to peace and humanity.

Pablo Picasso's Guernica hangs in the Museo Reina Sofía in Madrid, Spain. If you would like to see Guernica, I recommend visiting the Museo Reina Sofía, where you can admire this important work of art in all its glory.

These famous paintings are exhibited in the USA 

#4: The Girls of Avignon by Pablo Picasso (New York City)

Les Demoiselles d'Avignon is one of the most revolutionary paintings of the 20th century. Pablo Picasso broke with all traditional conventions and presented us with a work that redefined the boundaries of art.

The use of sharp lines, geometric shapes and vibrant colors gives the painting incredible intensity and energy. The five women depicted in the artwork exude a mixture of fascination and alienation. Their raw and blunt depictions challenge the viewer, forcing them to confront issues of sexuality, identity and power.

Picasso shows us not only naked bodies, but also the raw essence of human nature. In Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, African masks, cubist elements and primitivist influences merge into a fascinating and disturbing whole. The painting is a bold step away from classical art and marks the beginning of a new era.

With this work, Picasso turned the art world on its head and paved the way for experimentation and innovation. It is a masterpiece that continues to stimulate the imagination and redefine the boundaries of beauty today.

The painting Les Demoiselles d'Avignon by Pablo Picasso hangs in the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. This important painting from 1907 is part of the museum's permanent collection and is on display there for the public. It is a masterpiece of Cubism and an important work in Picasso's career.

#5: The Starry Night - Vincent van Gogh's famous painting (New York City)

The Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh is one of the artist's most famous paintings. Painted in 1889, it depicts a nighttime scenario with a dark blue sky illuminated by shining stars and a bright moon.

The artistic representation of the swirls and lines gives the painting a dynamic and almost surreal atmosphere. Van Gogh's unique style and intense colors make The Starry Night a masterpiece in art history.

The swirling lines lead the viewer directly into the picture, as if he or she were wandering through the nighttime landscape. The contrast between the deep blue of the sky and the bright yellow stars creates a magical atmosphere that seems almost supernatural.

The trees in the foreground appear twisted and distorted, giving the painting a dreamlike quality . It is as if the lines between reality and fantasy are blurred and the viewer becomes part of another world.

The famous "Starry Night" by Vincent van Gogh hangs in the Museum of Modern Art in New York City . This impressive depiction of the night sky over Saint-Rémy-de-Provence is a masterpiece of post-impressionism. With his Starry Night, Vincent van Gogh created an extraordinary work of art that continues to fascinate people all over the world to this day.

These famous paintings are exhibited in France

#6: The Mona Lisa - A masterpiece by Leonardo da Vinci (Paris)

With masterful precision and intuition, the brilliant artist created a work that continues to captivate viewers to this day. The fascinating mix of light and shadow , the fine details and the mysterious aura of the portrait make it clear why the Mona Lisa is considered one of the most important paintings in art history.

With this work, Leonardo da Vinci not only perfectly captured the beauty of the female form, but also created a timeless and everlasting symbolism. It is truly a masterpiece that continues to amaze and move people even after centuries.

The painting of the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci hangs in the Louvre in Paris . This masterpiece of art history is one of the most famous paintings in the world and attracts millions of visitors every year. Her mysterious aura and mesmerizing smile make her a true jewel of Renaissance art.

#7: The Venus de Milo - An ancient Greek sculpture of the goddess of love (Paris)

The Venus de Milo is an extremely impressive ancient Greek sculpture depicting the goddess of love. With its elegant aura and timeless design, it continues to fascinate viewers from all over the world.

The attention to detail and harmonious proportions make this statue a masterpiece of ancient art. Through her artistic beauty and grace, the Venus de Milo conveys an aura of love and wisdom that captivates every visitor. Her presence is truly captivating and confirms her reputation as one of the most important works of art of antiquity.

The Venus de Milo is located in the Louvre Museum in Paris, France . It is one of the most famous sculptures of antiquity and a masterpiece of Greek art. The statue was discovered on the island of Milos in the 2nd century BC and later brought to France, where it has been on display in the Louvre ever since.

These famous paintings are exhibited in the Netherlands

#8: The Night Watch - Rembrandt's group portrait of the Amsterdam militia (Amsterdam)

The Night Watch, also known as Rembrandt's Group Portrait of the Amsterdam Guard , is considered one of the famous Dutch painter's most significant masterpieces. Painted in the 17th century , the painting depicts a group of brave men fighting for the safety of their city in the dark of night.

With impressive attention to detail and masterful use of light, Rembrandt captures the dynamism and tension of the moment. The proud faces and powerful postures of the vigilantes exude strength and determination, while the subtle shading and contrasts create a deep emotional impact.

The Night Watch is a masterpiece that captures the energy and idealism of a bygone era and continues to captivate viewers today.

Rembrandt's Night Watch hangs in the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. It is one of the Dutch artist's most famous paintings and is a masterpiece of the Baroque period . It is an impressive work that impressively expresses Rembrandt's artistic genius and talent.

#9: Girl with a Pearl Earring by Johannes Vermeer (The Hague)

The painting “Girl with a Pearl Earring” by Johannes Vermeer is a masterpiece of 17th century Dutch painting. The perfect combination of light and shadow gives the scene an aura of mystery and elegance . The girl's gaze, fixed on the viewer, is intense and captivating.

The masterful depiction of details , such as the shiny pearl earring and the silk turban, impressively highlights the beauty and grace of the girl. Vermeer succeeds in capturing a timeless beauty and elegance in this painting that continues to fascinate and inspire even after centuries.

Vermeer's Girl with a Pearl Earring hangs in the picture gallery of the Mauritshuis in The Hague, Netherlands . It is one of the most famous works by the Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer and is carefully preserved and exhibited there.

These famous paintings are exhibited in Italy

#10: The Birth of Venus - Sandro Botticelli's iconic work (Florence)

The Birth of Venus is undoubtedly one of the most iconic works of Italian painter Sandro Botticelli. Created in the 15th century , the painting depicts the goddess Venus being born from the sea and carried to land by gentle winds.

The delicate beauty and grace of Venus, as well as the artful depiction of movement and light, make this work a masterpiece of Renaissance art. Botticelli's artistic talent and ability to transform the beauty of antiquity into a timeless representation make The Birth of Venus a milestone in art history .

The Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli is housed in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy . This masterpiece of Renaissance art is a symbol of beauty and grace and attracts thousands of visitors from all over the world every year .

#11: The David statue - Michelangelo's impressive depiction of the biblical hero (Florence)

Michelangelo's statue of David is undoubtedly one of the most striking depictions of the biblical hero. The artist's skillful work perfectly captures David's strength, grace and determination. Through the skillful use of light and shadow, the statue appears alive and exudes an aura of power and courage.

Michelangelo managed to create every muscle fiber and every detail with such precision that it almost seems as if David could come to life at any moment. It is truly a masterpiece that captivates visitors from all over the world and impresses them with its timeless beauty.

Michelangelo's David statue is located in the Galleria dell'Accademia in Florence, Italy . This impressive sculpture is one of the masterpieces of the Renaissance and attracts thousands of visitors from all over the world every year.

#12: The Last Supper - Leonardo da Vinci's religious masterpiece (Milan)

Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper is considered one of the most important religious masterpieces in art history. Through his masterful depiction, da Vinci not only shows the drama of the biblical moment, but also the intense emotions and relationships between Jesus' disciples.

Each figure has been drawn with great precision and detail , giving the painting a unique vibrancy. The composition, lighting and perspective also contribute to making The Last Supper an impressive and captivating work of art that draws viewers in.

The depiction of the Last Supper of Jesus with his disciples is of great artistic importance and has deep spiritual symbolism . The impressive size of the painting and the level of detail in Leonardo's work make it an absolute high point in art history.

If you want to see the Last Supper in person, you should definitely plan a visit to Milan - it is an experience you will never forget.

The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci is located in the church of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan, Italy . It is one of the most famous paintings in the world and a masterpiece of Renaissance art.

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Sabine Runge aus München

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Mein Name ist Sabine Runge und ich bin Künstlerin aus München. Seit 2020 widme ich mein Leben der abstrakten Kunst. Eine tiefe Lebenskrise hat meine Leidenschaft für die Kunst entfacht und ich nutze die Kunst als therapeutisches Werkzeug.

Für mich bedeutet Kunst grenzenlose Freiheit - die Möglichkeit, meine Gefühle und Botschaften auf einzigartige Art zum Ausdruck auf die Leinwand zu bringen. Jedes meiner Kunstwerke erzählt eine Geschichte und gibt Einblick in meine ganz persönliche Perspektive.

Ich arbeite hauptsächlich mit Pinseln, Palettenmessern, Schwämmen, Acrylfarben und Strukturpasten, um meine Visionen in harmonische Kompositionen auf der Leinwand zum Leben zu erwecken. Während dem Malprozess arbeite ich häufig auch mit den bloßen Händen direkt auf dem Kunstwerk, um eine Verbindung aufzubauen und meiner Arbeit besonders nahe zu sein.

Meine Werke sind mein kraftvoller Ausdruck von Leidenschaft und liebevoller Handwerksarbeit. Sie tragen meine persönliche Handschrift, der sich wie ein roter Faden durch mein Portfolio zieht.

Mein Ziel ist, die Menschen mit meiner Kunst zu berühren, inspirieren und zum Nachdenken anregen. Meine Kunst soll anderen Menschen Hoffnung geben und Trost spenden, so wie sie auch mir in den dunkelsten Momenten meines Lebens Halt und Hoffnung gibt.

Die Kunst hat mein Leben für immer verändert – und kann auch Ihr Leben nachhaltig verändern.